Friday, March 25, 2011

The Fivefold Office

Yesterday was a ministry seminar that being held in World Harvest Church with a topic of FIVEFOLD OFFICE. Ps David was preaching this during the seminar. Actually the fivefold is the person who had being received calling by God to do some part of His plan. Five of them are apostles,Prophets,evangelist,pastor and teacher. All the calling is being given by God and not from man or throught man, because that person being call will be the will of God. They will received the calling from God and perform their duty with the spiritual gift that given by God as well. There are the 5 of miracles,gift of healing,helps,administration,varieties of tougues. Another 7 will be prophecy,ministry,evhortation,giving,leading and showing mercy.

So after a person that received calling by God then he or she will become the BONDSERVANTS OF JESUS CHRIST. Means that he will serve Christ in the rest of his life. Or in other words, they willing to surrender their life in serving Lord of Jeses his master.

All the seminar is majorly tell us about the office of Apostle,Prophet,Evangelist,Pastor and Teacher. The simple description for all of the fivefold will be:

Apostles, will be the person who go and perform God's will. Like an architect.

Prophet, will be the person who is speak the word of God. Like the project designer.

Evangelist, will be the person who go and share the gospel and winning souls, to bring more people to God.

Pastor & teacher, will be the person who is teaching those young christian to be more mature in accomplish the assignment of God.

So you can see, every person that being calling by God has their duties. they are representing the parts and joints of a body and the head of course will be the Lord of Jesus. They must always exercise their spiritual gift and perform their duties then the whole church will be improve into a better condition. Like the example that Ps David said:" If one of ur body part or organ feel tired, they wanna hav an one hour break,what will happen to u?" Definitely the whole human body will suffer. That's the meaning. Must keep practising.

The fivefold minister will carry the grace to produce 3 significant result.

1.Promote Spiritual Wisdom.

The Fivefold given the grace to teach with their spiritual experience.

2.Promote Spiritual Fellowship.

They have the grace to train God's people in maintian loving fellowship.

3.Promote Spiritual Networking.

They given the grace to coach believer to discovered and operate their spiritual gifts.

That will be the whole topics in the seminar. eventhought i was felt very tired at the beginning, but thanks to God that giving me the energy and wisdom to concentrate on Ps David preaching. At last but not least, the healing session also create miracle before we left! haha,PRAISE GOD!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

one love

Yesterday i go for an event that held in college hall DKA; organized by the CF (christian fellowship) members. The theme of the event named ONE LOVE. That will be talking about people in this world is lacking love toward one and others. Caring, helping hands and kind heart is not longer being shown by people long times ago. This event they help to remind us about the love and caring that hide inside our deeper heart. Give out our hand to help those people that need help.

Other then that, they also invited a lot of singers and composer (Jovi Theng) and his Ps (Jonathan Loh from FGA) to have a preach of gospel and some testimony as well. They tell us abt all their stories from what they used to be until now the their new life after accepting Christ. The miracle that they experience during the time and the passion that they had. That was reli awesome! Ps Jonathan also had a preach of gospel abt how important youngster toward the church industry. Eventhougth they are from the chinese church, but his preach is also as powerful as the preaches that i heard before, because they are talking about GOD's word as well. I also discovered that they worship style is much more different from us. The main different will be their worship is so enjoy, they jump, they dance,they sing, they bow. But our church is belongs to standing worship style,maybe next time we can act like them as well in order to increase the "feeling" of worship! Another thing is Ps Jonathan told us again and again will be the real vision that Lord Jesus wants us to see is what he is doin in our college. He received the wisdom of God says that God wants him to rebuild the youngster christian in the church. So that he obey God's word,he choose to do it no matter how difficult it is. At the end he made it! Amen! He also remind us about everything happen in our life is being arrange by God, is all under the plan of God. We shall do what God want us to do in this college.

At the end,Ps Jonathan invited those non believer who wants to believe in christ move forward to the front and he will lead to a prayer for them. I dont know the actual amount of people in front, but i know there are numbers of them. After the event, when i go and find Bong Yang we said the same word :"today Jesus kill how many people again?" haha. means how many people being save from their past till now. Feel so great and happy for the CF members. God bless u all. Amen! Hallelujah! And praise the Lord!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

the sin...

Yesterday Ps Monica teach us abt the meaning of SIN during the DP. Dunno why,everytime i go for DP or E3, the program that i attend is the topic of things that i always ask for. For me,can say is a very special cases,cos i had been confuse by the word of "sin" is my heart long time ago. Not only for my personal attitude, action, and the way of thinking as well. Thanks again for Ps Monica for teaching me this.

Yesterday we had been taught that we are rightous after we had trusted God and believe in Jesus. At long time ago, we are slave of sins,no matter what we do,how many donation we gave, how many good deed we do, how many kind heart we were, we still classifield under the slave in the sinner prison. But after Jesus was born, people who believe in Jesus will be grand to go for the prison of righteousness. This was given to us when we are believe in Lord of Jesus. And this was given automatically,no need any effort nor any work to earn the salvation of christ.

And sin will be classified into 2 type there are ORIGINAL SIN and ACTUAL SIN. Sounds interesting har? (catch by Daniel,haha. he always said that.) To my knowledge, the original sins is the sin that is already in us when we are born. Before you done anything, at the 1st day when you are born, you born as a sinner. I think thats the meaning of original sin. ( If im wrong plz correct me, thx) And for the actual sin will be obviously those sins that we will commited when we are doing something that will create guilt. As an easy way to say, all things that beyond God's word is sin. And to God,the sin also classified into several level, from serious to acceptable level. This will be an overall picture abt the topic la. So,according to Ps Monica, many christian is confuse about the sin that we commited will lead us back to the SINFUL PRISON? The answer is NO. When we were accepting Christ, we already in the prison of righteous. We will not fall back to the sinful prison eventhought we sin. WHY? Because the only man that is fully righteous and sinless is only Lord of Mighty. We all are still human, so we will still commited sins even we are well reminded ourself. Our God know that, but He love us so much, so when we commited sin, He will stil forgive us. AS LONG AS WHEN U ARE SIN,COME BACK TO GOD. U will be forgiven. And another important thing is, u mus confess to God, and seek for forgiveness. U will be forgive. How generous and love He is!

Now is about the effect when commited sin. Sin will affect ur life, because sin will lead to pain and destructive consequences to us and others as well! That's the serious part! u and ur people serounded will be affected by sins. So when u had commited sin, the way to overcome it is God.

Only God can forgive ur sin. Jesus wash away our sins by being punish on our behalf? He use His blood to wash away our past,present and future sins. We are free from that sinful prison because of Him Lord of Jesus. Amen! No matter what mistake or sin u had done,pray to God. U will be released.

Do you not know that to whom you present youself slaves to obey,you are that the one's slaves whom you obey, whether of sin leading to death, of of obedience leading to RIGHTEOUSNESS? (ROMAN 6:16 NKJM)

That's all the things I can write under my limited english writing skills. If anything wrong, as a reminder, plz correct me. God bless you all with a wonderful day! Amen!