Friday, March 25, 2011

The Fivefold Office

Yesterday was a ministry seminar that being held in World Harvest Church with a topic of FIVEFOLD OFFICE. Ps David was preaching this during the seminar. Actually the fivefold is the person who had being received calling by God to do some part of His plan. Five of them are apostles,Prophets,evangelist,pastor and teacher. All the calling is being given by God and not from man or throught man, because that person being call will be the will of God. They will received the calling from God and perform their duty with the spiritual gift that given by God as well. There are the 5 of miracles,gift of healing,helps,administration,varieties of tougues. Another 7 will be prophecy,ministry,evhortation,giving,leading and showing mercy.

So after a person that received calling by God then he or she will become the BONDSERVANTS OF JESUS CHRIST. Means that he will serve Christ in the rest of his life. Or in other words, they willing to surrender their life in serving Lord of Jeses his master.

All the seminar is majorly tell us about the office of Apostle,Prophet,Evangelist,Pastor and Teacher. The simple description for all of the fivefold will be:

Apostles, will be the person who go and perform God's will. Like an architect.

Prophet, will be the person who is speak the word of God. Like the project designer.

Evangelist, will be the person who go and share the gospel and winning souls, to bring more people to God.

Pastor & teacher, will be the person who is teaching those young christian to be more mature in accomplish the assignment of God.

So you can see, every person that being calling by God has their duties. they are representing the parts and joints of a body and the head of course will be the Lord of Jesus. They must always exercise their spiritual gift and perform their duties then the whole church will be improve into a better condition. Like the example that Ps David said:" If one of ur body part or organ feel tired, they wanna hav an one hour break,what will happen to u?" Definitely the whole human body will suffer. That's the meaning. Must keep practising.

The fivefold minister will carry the grace to produce 3 significant result.

1.Promote Spiritual Wisdom.

The Fivefold given the grace to teach with their spiritual experience.

2.Promote Spiritual Fellowship.

They have the grace to train God's people in maintian loving fellowship.

3.Promote Spiritual Networking.

They given the grace to coach believer to discovered and operate their spiritual gifts.

That will be the whole topics in the seminar. eventhought i was felt very tired at the beginning, but thanks to God that giving me the energy and wisdom to concentrate on Ps David preaching. At last but not least, the healing session also create miracle before we left! haha,PRAISE GOD!

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